The Soils (Pastor Ontoy, Mark 4:1-20)

The Stories of Jesus Sermon Series
The Sower (Mark 4:1-20)

Big Idea
Our problem: We do not respond to God and His Word properly.
The solution: Respond in faith to God’s Word.
Outline: 4 Responses to Truth 

Path – Hardened Heart (4:4, 15)

  • Initial Response: hear the word

  • Factor: Satan’s interference

  • Result: No fruit

Stony Soil – Shallow Heart (4:5-6, 16-17)

  • Initial Response: hear and receive the word

  • Factor: persecution

  • Result: No fruit

Thorny Soil – Distracted Heart (4:7, 18-19)

  • Initial Response: hear and receive the word

  • Factor: living for now

  • Result: No fruit

Good Soil – Receptive Heart (4:8, 20)

  • Hears and receives the word

  • Result: Abundance

Sermon Discussion Questions:

  1. What did the Holy Spirit teach you / convict you of today?

  2. Have you ever observed people with the same opportunities respond differently to the gospel? Why do people respond so differently to truth?

  3. The Role of the Seed: Jesus says the seed is the Word of God. Why is it significant that the same seed produces different outcomes depending on the soil? What does this suggest about the nature of God’s Word?

  4. The Four Types of Soil: What words would you use to describe each of the four types of soil in the parable? Which one do you identify with most at this point in your life, and why?

  5. The Path (Hard Soil): In what ways can we become "hard" like the path where the seed didn’t take root? What are some examples of how we might become resistant to the message of God?

  6. Rocky Ground (Shallow Soil): What are some "shallow" responses people might have to the gospel, where they initially receive it with joy but fall away when challenges arise? How can we avoid this?

  7. Thorns (Weeds in the Soil): The seeds sown among thorns are choked by worries and the desire for wealth (v. 19). What modern-day "thorns" or distractions can choke our spiritual growth, and how can we guard against them?

  8. Good Soil: What characteristics make soil "good" in the parable? How can we cultivate a heart that is receptive and fruitful when it comes to God’s Word?

  9. Hearing and Understanding: Jesus mentions that some hear the Word but don’t understand it (v. 12). How can we better understand and apply Scripture in our daily lives? What are some practical steps to deepen our understanding?

  10. Bearing Fruit: What does it mean to "bear fruit" in the context of this parable? What are some ways we can measure spiritual fruitfulness in our own lives?

  11. Application: In what ways can we share this parable with others who may not yet understand or accept the message of the gospel? How can we be more patient and loving when sowing seeds in others' lives?


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