A Father Stands for Life

A Father Stands for Life (Dr. Josh Crockett, Matthew 2:1-13)

A Father Stands for Life (Matthew 2:13-21)


1. Living in a Hostile World

  • In Matthew 2:13-16, we see that Joseph lived in a world where children were targeted by King Herod for political reasons. How does the modern world reflect similar hostility toward children, especially regarding issues like abortion? What are some practical ways you can stand against these injustices in your community?

2. Standing for Life 

  • Joseph’s actions in fleeing to Egypt show his willingness to protect Jesus, even at great personal cost. How can you act selflessly to protect children, whether through advocacy, fostering, or supporting pro-life initiatives? What sacrifices might you need to make to do so?

3. The Cost of Protecting Children

  • Joseph left his livelihood and reputation behind to protect Jesus. Reflect on the personal costs that might be involved in defending the lives of children today. What would it take for you to prioritize the protection of children over your own comfort or status?

4. The Role of Hypocrisy in Abortion

  • The sermon pointed out the hypocrisy of those who claim to care for children while supporting abortion. In what ways can Christians address and challenge this hypocrisy in our culture? How can we engage in conversations about life that are both compassionate and truthful?

5. The Importance of Selfless Action

  • Joseph’s immediate obedience to God’s call is a powerful example of selflessness. How does his example challenge you to be more responsive to God’s call in your own life, especially in protecting and caring for children? How do you typically respond when called to act selflessly?

6. Courage in the Face of Public Opinion

  • Joseph was willing to risk his reputation and face public scorn for the sake of protecting Jesus. Are you willing to stand up for children and the sanctity of life, even when it might hurt your reputation or cause public backlash? How can you prepare to handle such situations?

7. The Legacy of the “Seed of the Woman”

  • The sermon traced the hostility toward children from Cain’s murder of Abel to Herod’s slaughter of infants, and even to the modern-day culture of abortion. How does understanding the biblical narrative of the “seed of the woman” help you view the battle for life? How can you contribute to this ongoing spiritual battle?

8. God’s Mercy and Forgiveness

  • The sermon mentioned God’s mercy and the possibility of forgiveness for those involved in abortion, even after great sin. How can you extend God’s grace to those who may be suffering from guilt or regret related to abortion? What are some ways the church can provide a safe place for healing?

9. The Hope of Repentance and Restoration

  • Reflecting on Psalm 51 and the idea of repentance, how does God’s forgiveness transform our guilt and shame, especially when we have made mistakes regarding the sanctity of life? How can you embrace God’s forgiveness in your own life and offer it to others who have made choices they regret?

10. Living Out the Gospel in a Hostile World

  • Joseph’s willingness to protect Jesus and Mary despite the risks points to the greater truth of Christ’s redemptive work. How does the gospel empower you to live courageously in a world that often devalues life? How can your life reflect a commitment to protecting and valuing all children, born and unborn?


The Soils (Pastor Ontoy, Mark 4:1-20)


Faith Chooses the Best (Pastor Miller, Hebrews 11:24-29)