Story of Morningside
Happy 60th, Morningside!
History of Morningside
Morningside's first location at 4 Estanolle Drive
In 1957 Pastor Bob McClure was led of the Lord to resign his pastorate and radio work in Bristol, Virginia, and return to his hometown, Greenville, South Carolina. He and Mrs. McClure built their new house in the "Morningside" subdivision. After a short time, God burdened his heart and the hearts of a few other interested believers that "our side" of Greenville needed a Bible-believing Baptist church. After much prayer they felt led to establish Morningside Baptist Church. The church began meeting in the living room of the McClures’ home, located at 4 Estanolle Drive just off Richbourg Road. Pastor McClure writes, "In Proverbs 8:34, God says, 'Blessed is the man that heareth me' (When I listen, He talks!). I listened and He said, 'with my help and leadership build a church that will be 1) A friendly church, a warm-hearted, caring church, always with a warm Morningside handshake of love to all people 2) a fundamental, New Testament church, proclaiming the Gospel in power, autonomous, missionary, with Jude 3 in mind, always preaching the book, blood, and the blessed hope 3) an educational church, teaching the whole Bible 4) a musical church, with good spirit-filled music 5) an evangelistic church in practice and outreach. All of this is needed as a foundation to a busy growing, glowing, prosperous New Testament Church. God did it all! To Him goes all the glory and honor and praise! As the great hymn says, 'I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene'."
August 1958 on Fisher Drive
Morningside Baptist Church had its beginning in the living room of Pastor and Mrs. Bob McClure in October 1957 with eight people present at the first meeting. The group continued to meet in the McClures’ living room and later moved to their basement. In August 1958 the as yet unincorporated congregation began to meet in a small house on Fisher Drive. This house has since been torn down to make a right-of-way for Duke Power Company equipment. In September, the group erected a tent on the site of what became Alexander's store, and evangelistic services were held with Rev. Rufus Mitchell as the evangelist. In November 1958 the church was incorporated according to the laws of the State of South Carolina. Mrs. Catherine Inglesby Fisher was the first convert after the church was incorporated, and she became one of the charter members. Another important event in 1958 was the purchase of the property on East North Street. It consisted of two lots and a small frame house that was purchased for $11,000. The congregation held services in the house which stood where the parking lot was later located. Membership in 1958 reached 57. The congregation began praying and planning toward building a church sanctuary. The church faced many difficulties, including much opposition from homeowners in the community who did not want a church built in their residential area. The pastor and board members contacted the homeowners and presented to them the church's statement of faith, the goals for a future attractive sanctuary, and their certain belief that the Lord wanted the church in that neighborhood for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel. The new building was primarily designed by Pastor McClure with some help from others. The final designs and plans were drawn up by an architect who was the brother of Cecil Edwards, one of the first deacons. Ground was broken in 1960 and the building, begun. Some difficulties developed with the contracting work, but the Lord overruled and the basement was completed and occupied in 1961. The church then sold the little house for $500, and it was moved away to make room for the parking lot.
First Sunday at East North Street
The sanctuary on East North Street was first occupied in 1962. Since then many improvements have been made. At first metal chairs were used in both the basement and the auditorium. In the mid-60s the pews, pulpit furniture, and choir seats were installed. Pastor McClure designed the pulpit and had it built. Later Mr. Clyde Howard reworked it to match the pews. In 1967 the piano and organ were purchased, and in 1968 the carpeting was installed. The East North Street property was completely free of debt when Pastor McClure resigned in 1971. In the early 80s when the congregation began to outgrow the seating capacity, the metal chairs were moved from the balcony and folding theater-style seats were put in. Additional seats were also added in the choir loft and the platform extended to accommodate them. A new public address system was designed and installed by George Rogier, and the organ console speaker was placed into the wall above the baptistery window. In order to make more space for Sunday School and for choir practice, the church began to the use the YMCA quarters next door as well as two rooms in the Medical Center. Junior Church was also begun in the YMCA so that more space in the auditorium would be available for the growing congregation.
In August 1974, property on Strange Road in Taylors, consisting of a house and over three acres of land, was purchased for $33,500. Under the leadership of Pastor Looper, the new property was financed by a cash down payment and the selling of $23,000 worth of bonds to the church members. By the time Pastor Looper resigned in 1977 there was money on hand to pay off all the bonds that were still outstanding. The house was used for several years for homecomings, young people's meetings, and other church related activities, including temporary housing of missionaries while home on furlough. After Pastor Kaster came and the need for expansion was evident, it was felt that the property on Strange Road was not suitable for future church growth, and it was sold in 1981 for $46,500.
In 1981, after a diligent search for land suitable for an expansion program, Morningside Baptist Church purchased a six-acre tract on Pelham Road just two miles beyond the East North Street building. The acreage is a beautiful level tract in a residential neighborhood. The church paid $135,000 for the land, with $40,000 down on the property and obtained a 15-year, 11% loan on the remaining balance. The building on East North Street was listed for sale, and a new facility was planned when the sale was completed as the Lord opened the way.
Meanwhile, as Morningside was "bursting at the seams," the church was thrilled when in September 1983, larger facilities became available at 2701 Wade Hampton Boulevard in an abandoned church building. In just a few days equipment was moved to the new location and the people were praising the Lord that there was now room for expansion. The newly rented building seated three times as many people as the former building and had a floor area of 14,500 square feet.
While the church was in the Wade Hampton facility, the church was able to purchase additional Pelham Road frontage property that included a house and its accompanying land. This completed the Pelham Road property purchase.
Erecting the steeple
The new building at 1115 Pelham Road was occupied in May 1988. This building included a 500 seat auditorium, office wing, nursery facilities, and three Sunday School classrooms.
As the Iron Curtain fell, we wanted to make it easier to send mission trips to places that were eager for missionaries. In 1990 we began Open Door Baptist Missions, and in 1993 ODBM took on its first full-time missionary. Today ODBM helps churches send nearly 40 missionary families around the world from Reno to Southeast Asia to South Africa and more. Learn more about our mission board at odbmissions.org.
A new addition to the Pelham Road property was completed in the summer of 1993 and included a full-size gymnasium, more nursery facilities, a fellowship hall, a kitchen, and approximately 12 Sunday School classrooms.
Phase three of the building on Pelham Road includes the present auditorium, additional nursery facilities, meeting rooms, Sunday School classrooms, and unfinished sections to be completed later.
The west wing of the building includes 11 classrooms on the two floors of the west side of the building and was completed in the summer of 2000.
The Harvey wing completed in the fall of 2001, is made up of the second floor south side of the Auditorium wing. This section is used as classroom and music space complete with choir and instrumental practice rooms and a music library.
On July 17, 2016, Morningside voted to finish the South Wing. The college group had grown to over 200 students. So a 4,900 square foot wing was opened to allow them to meet for Sunday School small groups on Sunday morning and for the youth group to meet on Wednesday nights. The college group, Rooted, continued to grow and in 2017, split into two separate classes to coincide with the two morning services. Offering the same worship services in the auditorium and college classes in the South Wing twice back-to-back allowed the congregation and college group to continue to grow.
On June 4, 2017, Morningside voted to finish the last unfinished wing of the church building after almost 20 years.
Because the youth group had grown from 40 to 100 students, the East Wing provided a beautiful space for the Morningside teens to have meals, activities, teaching, and worship.
An adjacent kitchenette also provides the ability to have food for hungry teens.
And because of the rapid growth of the youth group, an adjacent classroom allows for the middle school students to have their own space for teaching and small groups.
Morningside’s buildings now provide over 90,000 square feet of space for evangelism and discipleship to the glory of God!
Debt Free Celebration
On September 24, 2017, the Morningside church family celebrated being debt free in the morning services. The Lord used the congregation's faithful giving and the leadership's fiscal responsibility to pay off the debt early and free up significant resources for greater vision.
Pastor Crockett preached on "Remembering God's Work." from Joshua 3-4 recounting Morningside's history and giving praise to the Lord for His work. At the end of both morning services, Pastors Crockett and Miller burned a copy of the mortgage note.
Three Adjacent Properties
On May 13, 2018, the Morningside family voted to purchase three adjacent homes to the church. These three properties added three acres and 8,800 square feet, along with garage space for 10 cars, four patios, a workshop, and over 20 mature trees. Because of a significant increase in giving due to church growth and having paid off the debt a year early, Morningside was able to purchase all three properties without incurring any debt. Thanks to the estate gift of the Kennedy family, the church had funds to completely renovate the “Kennedy house” for missions and ministry guests.
Parking lot expansion
On September 21, 2018, the final phase of the parking lot was finished to provide 40 additional needed parking spots.
Recent building projects
Some of our recent building projects include the Kids Wing, new church signs facing Pelham Road and All Star Way, exterior paint and roof, and renovations for the chapel and gym. In April 2023 we received a new sound system for our auditorium. In September 2023 we renovated Carrier Hall for our choir to share it with our Chinese ministry for worship space. In January 2024 we enjoyed updates to our auditorium platform.
Shepherds of Morningside
Pastor Bob McClure (1926-2021)
October 1957 - December 1971
John Robert McClure and Carolyn Frances McClure are the parents of five children: John Robert, James Steven, Carolyn Leight, Jonathan Taylor, and Mark David. Pastor McClure was born April 15, 1926 and passed into eternity on November 5, 2021. His educational background included an associate degree from Mars Hill College and a BA degree from Bob Jones University. He also attended Moody Bible College, Southeastern Seminary and New Orleans Theological Seminary. He held the Honorary Doctor of Law degree from Florida Research, and the Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from Fundamental Bible Seminary. After the pastorate, Pastor McClure worked a great deal in missionary radio. His life verse was Philippians 1:6.
Other Pastors
Pastor Bob Persson
December 1971 - March 1972
The late Robert Edward Persson and Ada Frances Persson are the parents of three children: Robert E., Cindy, and Steven. Pastor Persson was born October 23, 1923 and went to be with the Lord on April 14, 1979. His educational background included training at the University of Wisconsin and Bob Jones University. His other ministries included the pastorate of First Baptist Church, Elizabethtown, Tennessee; and the First Baptist Church, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. He served many years in the field of evangelism.
Pastor Wallace Looper
August 1972 - August 1977
Wallace Robert Looper and Mary Joann Looper are the parents of two children: Rick and Randy. Pastor Looper was born September 9, 1932 and died on December 24, 1986. His educational background included an MA degree from the University of South Carolina. Other pastorates were Midway Baptist in Pickens, South Carolina; Fairview Baptist in Norris, South Carolina; Roanoke Baptist in Liberty, South Carolina, and the Calvary Baptist Church in Belvidere, Illinois. He left Morningside to serve as a staff evangelist at Calvary Baptist Church. Pastor Looper's life verse was Ephesians 2:10.
Pastor William Miller
February 1978 - July 1979
William Raymond Miller and Jennie Mae Miller are the parents of three children: Danny, Susan, and Tim. Pastor Miller was born February 3, 1936 and died on June 20, 2019. His educational background included the B.A. Degree from Dallas Bible College. Pastor Miller's other ministries were as pastor of the Kenderick Bible Church in Rush, Colorado and of the Calvary Baptist Church in Sebastian, Florida. His life verse was Galatians 2:20.
Pastor Max Kaster
December 1979 - July 1986
Max James Kaster and Linda Ruth Kaster are the parents of five children: Jonathan, Jennifer, Jefferson, Jacquelyn, and Joshua. Pastor Kaster was born October 25, 1941 and went to be with the Lord on October 6, 2020. His educational background included training at the University of Wisconsin, College of Lake County (Illinois), Kenosha College (Wisconsin) and holds a B.A. degree from Bob Jones University. He served with the U.S. Navy on active duty for 14 years plus nine years in the Naval Reserve, retiring as a Chief Petty Officer in 1982. His previous ministries include the pastorate of Faith Baptist Church, Greenville, South Carolina; and Founder-Pastor of the Faith Baptist Church in Sweetser, Indiana. His life verses were Ephesians 6:18–20.
Pastor Al McClaran
May 1982 - May 1983: Part-Time Youth Pastor
May 1983 - August 1986: Full-Time Youth Pastor
July 1986 - October 1986: Interim Pastor
October 1986 - May 30, 2004: Senior Pastor
Alvie C. and Julie McClaran are the parents of four children: Alvie III, Robert, Holly Jean, and Jordan. Al McClaran was born June 10, 1958. His educational background includes a BA degree and an MA degree. Open Door Baptist Missions began in 1990.
Pastor Tony Miller
Pastor Emeritus, July 1, 2015 to present
Interim Pastor, June - August 2004
Senior Pastor, August 15, 2004 to June 30, 2015
Pastor Miller and Jeanette have three children (Marjeana Bednarski, Michael, and Matthew) and eight grandchildren.
Under Pastor Miller’s leadership, the church weathered difficult spiritual and financial crises. Morningside also started an Arabic and Mandarin Chinese ministry, and Open Door Baptist Missions grew significantly.
Pastor Josh Crockett
Morningside Baptist Church Senior Pastor, July 1, 2015 to May 24, 2024
Josh and Karie Crockett are the parents of four children: Karis, Tessa, Micah, and Andrew. Pastor Crockett was born January 17, 1979. His educational background included BA, MA, and MDiv degrees from Bob Jones University and a DMin from LIberty University. Pastor Crockett came to Morningside after ten years of pastoral ministry at his home church (Grace Baptist Church, Anderson, IN).
Under Pastor Crockett’s leadership our attendance, giving, and pastoral team grew significantly. Building projects began with the South Wing in 2016 and continued through 2024 with an auditorium platform renovation. On May 7, 2024 Pastor Crockett was announced as the 6th president of Bob Jones University.
Pastoral Transition
As directed by our Constitution, our deacons began searching for Pastor Crockett’s replacement as soon as the need for it was announced.
Learn more about our current pastoral transition here.
Under Pastor Crockett’s leadership, In 2016, the church voted to finish a 4,900-square-foot South Wing to provide a space for the rapidly growing college ministry. In 2017, Morningside voted to finish a 3,200-square-foot wing of the church building for a quickly growing youth group. On September 24, 2017, Morningside celebrated paying off the debt early. In 2018, two new full-time positions and several part-time positions were added to the church staff. In 2018, the church voted to purchase with cash three adjacent homes with three acres and 8,800 square feet. On September 21, 2018, the final phase of the parking lot was finished providing additional needed parking. In 2019, the flooring and furniture were replaced in the lobbies and hallways and a security system was installed throughout the campus. In 2020, the main roof and many HVAC units were replaced. In 2021, the Kids Wing was finished, the Chapel was completely renovated, and the Gym was renovated and composite flooring replaced with a hardwood floor. In 2022 another full-time associate pastor was added to the pastoral team. In 2023, the auditorium sound system was replaced. In 2024, auditorium platform renovations allowed us to use projection screens and see our baptistry for the first time ever, We praise the Lord for His faithfulness!