The three columns of our logo form an artistic "M" for Morningside, but they also represent our three-fold mission: Loving God; loving each other; loving our world.
Loving God
The Great Commandment (Deuteronomy 6:5) is to love God with all our heart, soul, and might.
Loving Each Other
But as New Testament believers, we're called to do that in the context of a local church, where we obey the New Commandment (John 13:34) to love each other.
Loving Our World
We are also called to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to proclaim the Good News of God's love for the world.
“I have most enjoyed the truths taught from the pulpit, being a part of the music ministry, and getting to know the friends in my Life Group.”
The shape of a pentagon pointing up in our logo is a signature architectural motif on our campus. You will notice five layers of these upward-directed pentagons on the front of our main building. The front of the old building, now the Spanish lobby, has the same pentagon-shaped window.
The entryway overhangs and main doors to the church have this same pentagon shape. This shape was also used for the current church sign - even the window in the gym.
Just like our steeple, these upward directed pentagons reminds us that everything we do as a local church should be pointing to God and His glory.
The exterior circle of our logo reminds us we are a church on mission - to take the Gospel not just to our own community, but also around the globe.