Welcome to Married and Engaged Couples
The purpose of our group is to create a passion for young couples to love God, each other, and our world.
Looking for a place to learn, grow, and love? Join other young couples on the journey of life!
Tell me more about this class
This small group is welcome to both engaged and married couples!
Our Mission
Engage exists to disciple young couples in their active pursuit of Christ. Because we love Jesus, we actively engage in our relationships with God, our spouse, church, and community to the glory of God.
You're Invited
Room 234 upstairs

Meeting Locations
We meet every Sunday morning at 11:15 in Room A2 in the Atkins Wing after the morning worship service. We enjoy coffee and catching up from the past week, discussing and applying the morning message in small groups, diving deeper into a marriage-related topic, and praying together.
Our goal is to meet on at least one Wednesday a month for a fellowship time and prayer meeting at various church members’ houses. We want to also meet occasionally at a member’s homes for Bible study, prayer, and discipleship.
We are a strong community and enjoy spending time together. Whether it’s getting coffee, spending a day at the range, golfing at Top Golf, doing a cookout, or even taking a weekend trip together we love to fellowship.
We also enjoy helping with various projects around the church. We want to be a blessing to those in our church family.
What are our Goals?
We're successful when our young couples are growing, serving, and working in Morningside, Greenville, and beyond.
Ministry Opportunities
There are numerous opportunities to serve our church in a life group. Many of our couples serve in the nursery, children’s ministries, AWANA, youth group, choir, orchestra, and the connect team.
We have opportunities to serve in our community helping other smaller sister churches like Hope Baptist Church with their kids program on Wednesday nights or helping faith-based organizations.
Our Leaders
The Morgan and Ontoy families invest in our young couples group as leaders of small group discussions. Their homes and lives are always open. We are thankful for the way they invest in us as individuals.