MARCH 9, 2025
Pastor Ontoy is preaching today. Our members are gathering at 9 AM (AUD) for a business meeting about distributing last year’s overage and replacing our nursery floor, and we’re enjoying fellowship in the gym afterwards. Small groups for all ages meet after the worship service.
Pastor Jones will preach at our evening gathering (5 PM, Chapel), and our life groups meet. Jared Quirk will provide Wednesday’s prayer challenge (7 PM, Chapel), and Pastor Stuhl will preach for us next Sunday morning. Get our preaching calendar at morningside.org/transition.
Seek… the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Luke 12:31)
Godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)
Call to Worship
Congregation: “Solid Rock” (411)
Giving of Thanks/Offerings
Choir/Orchestra: “O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer”
Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-12
Gathered Prayer
Congregation: “Complete in Thee”*
Congregation: “Be Thou My Vision” (374)
Sermon: “The Fool” (Luke 12:13-34)
Membership: Gilbert & Judy Baus (Regular)
Song of Response: “Turn Your Eyes”*
*See projection screens; hymn sheet available from info@morningside.org
VBS Volunteers
We’re looking for 100 volunteers for Wonder Junction VBS (June 8-12). Sign up today at morningside.org/vbs.
Overcomers Graduation
Thursday, March 20, graduates from the Miracle Hill Overcomers addition recovery program will celebrate what Jesus has done in their lives (6:30 PM, Chapel).
Senior Adults
Sign up in the lobby for the senior luncheon on Thursday, March 20 with guest speaker Dale Cunningham (12-2 PM, 107). Details also available for this summer’s Senior Adults Mission Trip (Lake Waccamaw, NC, May 18-23).
ODBM Golf Tournament
April 26th is our annual ODBM Golf tournament. Learn more and sign up at morningside.org/missions.
Our Starting Point membership interest class follows next Sunday’s worship service (Room 231). Learn more at morningside.org/membership.
Joining Next Sunday
Will Baltzersen
Joining Next Sunday
Silas Wilson
9:00 AM: Business Meeting (AUD)
9:30 AM: Fellowship (Gym)
10:00 AM: Worship Service (Pastor Ontoy, AUD); Chinese Service (LCMH)
11:15 AM: Sunday School
5:00 PM: Life Groups; PM Gathering (Pastor Jones, Chapel)
Spanish Events
10:00 AM: Fellowship (Chapel Lobby)
10:30 AM: Prayer Meeting (Chapel)
11:00 AM: Worship Service (Chapel)
6:00 PM Discipleship Class (106)
This Week
Offices Open M-F 9 AM-3 PM
Tuesday, March 11
9:30 AM: Women’s Bible Study (107)
7:00 PM: ESL Classes (Chapel)
Wednesday, March 12
6:45 PM: Awana (Cubbies 101, Sparks Kids Wing, T&T Gym); Middle & High School (218)
7:00 PM: Nursery (102); Prayer Meetings: English (Jared Quirk, Chapel); Spanish (FH); Chinese (A3)
Next Sunday, Mar. 16
10:00 AM: Worship Service (Pastor Stuhl, AUD)
3:30 PM: Deacons Meeting
4:00 PM: Teen Service and Afterglow
5:00 PM: PM Gathering (Vince Waltz Missions Presentation, AUD)
Looking Ahead
Mar. 20: Senior Adults Luncheon (12-2 PM, 107); Miracle Hill Overcomers Graduation (6:30 PM, Chapel)
Mar. 21-26: Bridge to Reno Mission Trip
Apr. 5: Men’s Event & Mulch Day (8 AM)
Apr. 20: Easter Sunday
Apr. 26: ODBM Golf Tournament
May 18-23: Senior Adults Mission Trip (Lake Waccamaw, NC)
June 8-12: Wonder Junction VBS
Morningside Kids 10 AM & 11:15 AM
Nursery (0-2 yrs.) & Bible Time (K3-Gr. 5)
Check-in: Kids Wing
Drop-off & pickup:
Infants-K4 Nursery Wing (101-104)
K5-Grade 5 Kids Wing (Primary & Elementary Rooms)
Morningside Kids 5 PM
Nursery and PM Gathering
Morningside Kids Wednesday
Nursery and Awana
Print bulletins are available at our Welcome Center with more information:
guest wifi | maps | mission info | our members’ reports on giving/attendance | a list of our pastors and leaders