Welcome to Pursue!
We’re so glad to have you here! We are a group of adults and young professionals ages 25-35 pursuing God with our lives. Pursue exists to support and strengthen young adults as they personally pursue God. We do that by being intentional in our church ministry as well as ministering to others in our community.
We support young adults to intentionally pursue God in their lives through community and ministry.
Community is a big part of who we are.
Christians need each other to be encouraged and strengthened in Christ. We spend time on Sunday mornings connecting over coffee, discussing God’s Word together, singing, and praying. Wednesday nights twice a month are special times for us as well where we have fellowships and prayer meetings. Additionally, we have men’s and women’s Bible studies twice a month, and we get together on Sunday nights and other times throughout the week to spend time together.
Ministry is another big focus of ours.
We encourage each other to be actively involved in Morningside, whether that is serving in music ministries, children’s ministries, or simply being a blessing to others. We also are passionate about serving church planters and missionaries, and we take short trips to be an encouragement to them when we can.
You're Invited
Come be a part of a caring group of believers at Morningside who are serious about pursuing God. We’d love to meet you and would be thrilled have you come visit with us!
Meeting Locations
We meet every Sunday morning at 11:00 in Room 107 after the morning worship service. We enjoy coffee and catching up from the past week, singing, reviewing the morning message with application questions in small groups, and praying together.
Two Wednesdays a month, we meet for a fellowship time and prayer meeting at various church members’ houses. Also, twice a month, we have men’s and women’s Bible studies.
We enjoy spending time together, whether that is getting coffee, going hiking, going skiing, watching a Greenville Drive or Swamp Rabbits game, doing a cookout, or enjoying an evening at a park.
We also enjoy helping with various projects around the church. We love to be a blessing to those in our church family.

Ministry Opportunities
There are numerous opportunities to serve our church as a life group. Many of our young adults serve in the nursery, children’s ministries, AWANA, youth group, choir, orchestra, and the connect team.
We have opportunities to serve in our community helping other smaller sister churches like Hope Baptist Church with their kids program on Wednesday nights or helping faith-based organizations.
We also take missions trips to visit churches in order to serve and be a blessing to them.
“What a privilege it is for me to be around these young people. Their energy and desire to serve God is so refreshing. ”
What are our Goals?
To help you pursue a relationship with God so that you:
Get involved and stay connected with Morningside by attending and serving; Remain steadfast to God in the workplace by shining as a light; Witness and show good works as salt to your friends, neighbors, coworkers; And that over time you will influence others do the same.
Ultimately, so that you look beyond Greenville and go with the Good News of Christ.
We feel like we're successful when our young adults are serving, helping, and working in Morningside, Greenville, and beyond.
Our Leaders
These families invest in our young adult group as leaders of small group discussions. Their homes and lives are always open. We are thankful for the way they invest in us as individuals.