We want God to use you in Rooted!

Rooted is a ministry at Morningside for college students and those in the workforce ages 18-22. We’d love to have you join us at 11:15 in the gym for a time of fellowship, singing, and small group discussion.

Our Mission:

Rooted exists to equip college-aged disciples of Jesus to Dig Deep, Grow Strong, and Reach Out. Our focus is on finding joy in Christ, giving our lives to His church, and going into the world to make disciples.

What to expect:

Rooted meets every Sunday at 11:15 in our gym. During the school year, we have approximately 150-175 college-aged young adults who attend. We usually begin with a time of food & fellowship and singing before we break up into small groups to discuss that morning’s sermon. Our small groups give us a chance to dive deeper into that morning’s sermon and develop meaningful discipleship-oriented relationships with each other.

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Our Small Group Leaders:

Our leaders want to help you grow spiritually. We have several Rooted small group leaders who serve faithfully: Joe & Kristi Henson, Mark & Tracy Martin, Morgan McCarty, Adam & Megan Morgan, Ben & Katie Plumb, Kent & Becky Prain, and Amy Streeter.

Serving Christ’s Body:

College is not a time to unplug from the local church. We are blessed to have many Rooted young adults who actively serve through...

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Worship: Dozens of young adults serve in our church choir and orchestra, where faithfulness is more important than musical skill. We also have a passion to intentionally mentor and provide preaching and teaching opportunities for those preparing for full-time vocational ministry. 

Children's Ministries: Young adults who complete the steps for serving in children’s ministry can teach or work in the nursery, preschool, elementary groups, Awana Clubs, and in Student Ministries.

Outreach: A number of young adults are actively involved in outreach at Morningside. These outreach ministries include: 

  • Language ministry sports outreach- Spanish soccer (Monday night, 6:30 PM) and Chinese basketball (Tuesday night, 8:00 PM)

  • ESL class- (Sunday morning, 9-10 AM & Tuesday night, 7-8 PM)

  • Good News Bible Clubs (Child Evangelism Fellowship)- after school for Pelham Road Elementary

  • Mentoring Upstate- mentoring students at Pelham Road Elementary

  • Overcomer’s Graduation (Miracle Hill Ministries)

  • Visitation times- Wednesday evenings

  • Pregnancy Medical Clinic (Piedmont Women's Center)

Media: Young adults play a vital role with our audio/visual team, graphic design, and video production.

Guest Services: Young adults can join our Connect team, serve as a host, or work at our guest services table.

For More Info: Contact Pastor Joe Henson at

At Morningside, we have a number of young men who are aspiring towards local church ministry either full-time or bi-vocationally. We also have 35 former pastors in addition to our staff. Seeing this awesome opportunity, Pastor Crockett had a vision to start a ministry to mentor future church leaders.

The first Sunday of each month, the group meets at the 11:00 hour for a roundtable discussion of a practical issue in ministry. And each month the ministry mentor meets with his assigned student for lunch, coffee, or to make a ministry visit. The Ministry Mentoring group provides invaluable practical training outside the walls of an academic classroom to help young men solidify their call to ministry and exercise their gifts.

Ministry Mentoring men are also given opportunities to preach at Morningside and be placed in internships at Morningside-supported church plants across the country. If you are interested in being a part of this program, please email Pastor Jeriel Ontoy at

Ministry Mentoring

Need a ride to Morningside?

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During the school year, we provide transportation to our Sunday services. Here's how to catch a ride to Morningside from BJU:

Where: Wait for a white Morningside bus in front of the Founders' Memorial Amphitorium near the blue mail box on the street between the FMA and Rodeheaver.

When: Sunday  9:30 AM and 4:30 PM

Return to BJU: Meet back at Morningside's side entrance where you came in. In the morning, the buses will wait to leave about 10 minutes after Rooted (approximately 12:10p.m.). In the evening, departure will be about 10 minutes after the main English service. If you attend another service (Spanish, Chinese, or Arabic), you will need to make arrangements to get a ride with someone.

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