How to Be Happy

How to be Happy (Psalm 1)


Thesis: True happiness is found in God and His Word, not in fleeting pleasures.

I. You Cannot Find Happiness Apart from God (Psalm 1:1)

A. The Irony of Seeking Happiness Apart from God

B. Three Degrees of Departure from God (Psalm 1:1)

II. You Can Find Happiness in God and His Word (Psalm 1:2-3)

A. Delighting in God’s Word (Psalm 1:2)

B. Meditating on God’s Word (Psalm 1:2)

C. The Fruit of a Rooted Life (Psalm 1:3)

III. You Can Find Happiness by Looking at Eternity (Psalm 1:4-6)

A. The Fate of the Ungodly (Psalm 1:4-5)

B. The Eternal Perspective (Psalm 1:6)


 1. Are You Truly Happy?

  • Reflect on your current pursuit of happiness. Are you seeking it in worldly things, or are you finding it in God? What does true happiness look like for you?

2. Who Are You Walking, Standing, and Sitting With?

  • Are you allowing the influence of ungodly people to shape your thoughts and actions? Who are you surrounding yourself with, and how do they affect your relationship with God?

3. What Is Your Identity Based On?

  • Is your identity rooted in God and His people, or do you find it in the world’s values? Are you actively participating in a church community where you can grow with fellow believers?

4. How Deep Are Your Roots in God’s Word?

  • Do you delight in God’s Word, or does it feel like a chore? How can you develop a deeper passion for reflecting on Scripture throughout the day?

5. Are You Meditating on God’s Word?

  • Do you take time to reflect on God’s promises and apply them to your life, even during busy moments? How can you integrate biblical meditation into your daily routine?

6. How Are You Handling Different Seasons of Life?

  • What season of life are you in right now? Are you drawing your strength and happiness from God, no matter what you are facing?

7. Are You Ready for Life’s Droughts?

  • When life feels dry or you face trials, where do you turn for comfort and strength? How can you deepen your relationship with God to endure difficult seasons?

8. Are You Finding Your Happiness in God or in Circumstances?

  • Do you find your joy in circumstances or in a deeper, unshakeable relationship with God? How can you shift your focus from temporary happiness to lasting joy in God?

9. Which Path Are You On: Righteous or Ungodly?

  • Reflect on your actions and decisions. Are you living in a way that aligns with God’s ways, or are you following the path of the ungodly? What changes do you need to make to follow the righteous path?

10. Are You Fully Committed to Christ?

  • Are you fully committed to living out your faith, or are you half-hearted in your walk with Christ? How can you become more fully engaged with God's people and His Word?


A Church with God’s Heart


The Servants