Moses Confronts Pharaoh (Exodus 5-12)

The confrontation between Moses and Pharaoh revealed the stark contrast between the powerful compassion of God toward His people and the heart-hardened pride of the Egyptian ruler. While challenging Pharaoh seemed an impossible task, God used Moses to showcase His glory through Moses’ willingness to obey. Though Pharaoh’s pride led to the demise of his people, we see in this story a picture of God’s mercy to the Israelites. This serves as a foreshadow of the mercy Christ displayed on the cross by taking on Himself the punishment sinners deserved so that they might enjoy eternal life with Him.

Why was Pharaoh’s heart so hardened against God? How did Moses and the Israelites trust God despite their circumstances?

Pharaoh’s first response to Moses was to question God: “Who is the Lord that I should obey him by letting Israel go?” (Exodus 5:2). Pharaoh did not recognize God’s power, nor did he wish to submit himself under any other authority. Pharaoh’s disobedience was already leading him on a path of destruction, so God saw fit to further harden the ruler’s heart as a means of displaying His own power over Pharaoh and the fake gods of Egypt.

Moses, despite communing with God so closely, still doubted His faithfulness amid the Israelites’ suffering. Moses even accused God of causing trouble and making a mistake by choosing him as leader. Yet, God declared that the Egyptians would see His power, and in the end, surrender to His will. God repeated His covenant promises and reminded His people that He would be faithful to deliver them from Egypt and bring them to the land of promise. Through the suffering of slavery and desolation of the plagues, God’s people waited. And upon hearing God’s Passover instructions, they did as He commanded.

Consider Moses’ difficulties in confronting Pharaoh, a man of great prestige. Then, reflect on the grace and mercy of God who reigns in sovereign power. Though it appeared impossible, God made good on His promises. Help the kids in your family see that Christ’s sacrifice was the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem people from the bondage of sin. Just as the blood of the lamb saved the firstborn sons at Passover, Christ’s blood now and forever frees us from sin.

Christ Connection: Because of Pharaoh’s hard heart, Egypt suffered while God’s people were saved. Because of Jesus’ loving heart, He willingly suffered on the cross so we could be saved from sin. His blood saves us from our sin just as the Passover lamb’s blood saved the firstborn of the Israelites.


Moses Parted the Red Sea (Exodus 13-15)


God Called Moses (Exodus 1-4)