God Called Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Moses’ life was characterized by miraculous encounters with the God of Israel. The same God who called Moses into leadership promised to use His faithful servant to rescue the Israelites from Egyptian rule. As His people cried out, God heard and remembered His covenant with their forefathers.
How did God direct Moses into these divine purposes? How did Moses 'calling foreshadow the One who would lead God’s people into even greater victory?
From Moses’ first mention in Scripture, we read how God’s purposes for Moses’ life would prevail despite people’s wicked schemes. Though Pharaoh called for the Israelite boys to be put to death, God saved Moses from such a fate. As Moses fled his familiar life in Egypt, God directed Moses’ path toward a magnificent encounter with the great I AM at the burning bush. God called the wandering Moses by name, leading him forward in obedience with the promise of His faithful presence.
While Moses would not flawlessly follow God nor perfectly trust in His promises, God promised to provide Moses with help and demonstrate His power. Moses was aware of his own shortcomings as a leader, yet God still used him mightily to rescue the Israelites.
Later in his life, Moses prophesied that a new leader would one day emerge from among the Israelites. We see this promise fulfilled in Jesus Christ who, like Moses, was born in a time of turmoil under a king who called for His death. Unlike Moses, however, Jesus lived a sinless life and saved God’s people from a different kind of bondage—the tyranny of sin and death. Moses led God’s people to offer sacrifices to the Lord. Jesus, however, became the perfect sacrifice for His people, conquering death and raising to new life all who would believe in Him.
As you teach the kids in your family to see God at work in the life of Moses, pray that they would lift their gaze to see Jesus’ work on their own behalf. Though Moses was a distinguished leader who sought to obey God, this story goes beyond a moral example and is about the One who is worthy of our obedience and trust. Pray for the children in your family to heed Christ’s call to salvation.
Christ Connection: God saw His people suffering as slaves in Egypt and sent Moses to rescue them. We all suffer as slaves to sin, and God sent Jesus to rescue us by dying and rising again.