Together is Better
After months of online or limited services, our Youth Group is grateful to be back together after a long break. As we reboot the remainder of 2020, some things will always stay the same. As before our break, our teens love talking and sharing funny stories about the week and playing a game of ping pong or foosball before Youth Group officially begins. Beware of the flying ping pong balls, they are still flying across the Teen Room.
Middle School and High School initially meet together at 11:00 am for Sunday School for singing and announcements. The middle schoolers split off for separate teaching by Mr. Jordan. Pastor Jeff is continuing on Sunday mornings with the high schoolers a study on the Church. What is the purpose of the church and where is my place in the Church? What a better time to study The Church and the importance of it on my daily life and future ministry. We’ve also enjoyed two Sunday evening services/afterglow - one at Herdklotz Park and another at the Darsts’ home. We look forward to having more later this fall.
Wednesdays are a fun time of edification and application of God’s Word. The first Wednesday is a combined Bible Study and games. The second and fourth Wednesdays, we split into small groups and these times are led by our college leaders. What a blessing to see the teaching and prayer time on these nights. The third Wednesday is Middle School Mingle where they are taught by Mr. Jordan or Mr. Isaac and enjoy throwing a ball around the field or gym. The High School has split sessions taught by special speakers and subjects specifically related to areas of Christian growth. The High School Chorale, Middle School Choir, and Teen Ensemble are back to practicing on Wednesday evenings so we can participate in the Sunday ensemble.
Everything may not look quite normal yet, but we’re grateful to be together again. We’re all recovering from a long time away from an organized gathering, and more than ever we realize that together is better! If you don’t have a church home, come join us @ MBC Teens!