Shelter of the Most High (Dr. Josh Crockett)

Shelter of the Most High   Psalm 91


Introduction Psalmist’s affirmation of the Lord as “my refuge” (91:1–2)

1. “Surely” (ki): Psalmist’s first affirmation of trust in God (91:3–8)

a. Surely “he will save you from the fowler’s snare” and from the noisome pestilence (91:3)

b. [Surely] “he will cover you with his feathers” (91:4)

c. [Surely] “you will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow …” (91:5)

d. [Surely] you will not fear “the pestilence … nor the plague …” (91:6)

e. [Surely] you will be saved in the heat of battle (91:7)

f. [Surely] you will only see the danger but not experience it physically (91:8)

2. “Because” (ki): Psalmist’s second affirmation of trust in God (91:3–13)

a. [Because] you, Lord, are my refuge, [and because] “you made the Most High your dwelling” (91:9)

b. [Because] you, Lord, are my refuge, “no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent” (91:10)

c. [Because] you, Lord, are my refuge, “he will command his angels … to guard you in all your ways” (91:11–13)

3. “Because [ki] he loves me”: God’s affirmation of trust in the psalmist (91:14–16)

a. “ ‘Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him’ ” (91:14a)

b. [Because] he loves me, “I will protect him” (91:14b)

c. [Because] he loves me, “I will answer him” (91:15a)

d. [Because] he loves me, “I will be with him in trouble” (91:15b)

e. Because he loves me, “I will deliver him and honor him” (91:15c)

f. [Because] he loves me, “I will satisfy him [with long life] and show him my salvation” (91:16)

Application Questions:

1. Trusting God's Protection

Question: How does Psalm 91 reassure us of God’s protection, even when facing overwhelming dangers? Are there areas in your life where you struggle to trust in God's protection?

2. Experiencing God’s Presence

Question: The psalmist says we can abide under the "shadow of the Almighty." What does it mean to experience God’s closeness in times of trouble, and how can you pursue that in your daily walk?

3. Trust in Times of Illness

Question: Verse 3 mentions deliverance from "noisome pestilence" (sickness). How do you typically respond when you or someone you love is sick? How does this passage challenge or encourage your perspective?

4. God as a Personal Refuge

Question: The psalmist declares God as "my refuge and fortress." How personal is your relationship with God? What steps can you take to make your relationship with Him more intimate?

5. Security in God's Wings

Question: Psalm 91:4 uses the metaphor of God covering us with His wings. What does this image teach you about God’s tenderness and care for His people, especially in times of fear or distress?

6. Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Question: The psalm tells us not to fear the "terror by night" or the "arrow that flies by day" (v. 5). What fears do you struggle with? How can meditating on this psalm help you combat those fears?

7. God’s Sovereign Control Over World Events

Question: How does reflecting on God's power over sickness, enemies, and rulers (like Nebuchadnezzar or Belshazzar) help you to view world events, such as elections or disasters, with greater faith?

8. When Deliverance Doesn't Come

Question: How do you reconcile the promises of protection in Psalm 91 with the reality that sometimes believers still face harm or death, as seen with martyrs or missionaries like Jim Elliot?

9. God's Presence in the Midst of Trouble

Question: Psalm 91:15 says, "I will be with him in trouble." When have you felt God’s presence most clearly during a time of hardship? How can this promise encourage you during future challenges?

10. Looking Ahead to Ultimate Salvation

Question: How does the promise of eternal life and salvation (v. 16) offer hope in the face of suffering and trials in this life? How does knowing that God will ultimately deliver you impact the way you live today?

*C. Hassell Bullock, Psalms 73–150, ed. Mark L. Strauss and John H. Walton, vol. 2, Teach the Text Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books: A Division of Baker Publishing Group, 2017), 142–143.


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