Power, Praise & Provision (Pastor Miller, Exodus 15)

Power, Praise and Provision

Exodus 15:1-18 

Exodus is "the way out" of Egyptian slavery by Jehovah's power and the applied blood of  passover lambs.

In the trials of Exodus, God uses Israel's tests, not so He could know what was in His people's hearts, but to reveal to them both the good and the bad that was in their hearts.

Exodus 15 reveals both Israel's singing and griping.

Let's learn from the song of Moses and the people to replace murmuring with our Song.

I. His Power-"My Strength"

Against the Egyptian gods, 12:12-13

Against Pharaoh and his army,  (at this point, show the picture of the Red Sea Crossing)

Before all nations. 15-14-18

II. His Praise-"My Song"

To Him- He's the audience 

About Him- He's the main focus

For Him-  Who He is and what He does are the reasons we sing His praises.

This is an enduring song  full of praise and thanksgiving to our Song. - Revelations 15:3-4

III. His Provisons- "My Salvation"

To be saved means to delivered or rescued. Israel was delivered from: 

 Pharaoh's slavery and domination, 

Egypt's false gods and corruption

Sin's death and deception 

Jehovah redeemed Israel from slavery, idolatry, death, vanity, and serving sinners to worshipping and serving the Creator, not the creature.

Trust His sufficent power.

Praise Him our Song.

Submit to His salvation.

1. What did the Lord teach you from this message? 

2. Where is God allowing your weakness to call you to trust his power right now? 

3. Which of His attributes is God displaying for you to praise right now? 

4. What rescue has God provided to call you to gratitude right now? 

5. How do you know that God has delivered you from sin?


Be Grateful (Pastor Huffman, 1 Thess. 5:18)


Rejoice in the Lord (Dr. Josh Crockett)