The Emtpy Tomb

The Empty Tomb (John 20:11-18)

1.     Comfort in Crisis: How can you find comfort in Christ during times of disappointment, grief, or struggle?


2.     Facing Disappointment: What disappointments are you currently experiencing, and how can you process them in light of God's love and care for us?


3.     Overcoming Evil: In what ways do you see evil prevailing in our world, and how can you trust in God's sovereignty to ultimately triumph over it?


4.     Dealing with Loss: How does the resurrection of Jesus offer hope to those who have experienced the loss of a loved one?


5.     Embracing a New Identity: How does knowing that you are called by name and loved by God impact the way you view yourselves and others?


6.     Discovering Purpose: What mission has Jesus given us as His followers, and how can you actively engage in sharing the Good News with others?


7.     Trusting God: In what areas of your lives do you need to release control and trust in God's plan, rather than trying to accomplish things on your own?


8.     Responding to Jesus' Call: When Jesus calls us by name, how should you respond in terms of surrendering to His Lordship and embracing your identity as His disciples?


9.     Sharing the Good News: How can you practically fulfill your mission to "go and tell" others about the hope found in Christ's resurrection?


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