The First Lord's Supper

(Mark 14:12-16)

1. Understanding the Context:

· What significant events are happening in Mark 14 that set the stage for understanding Jesus' actions?

· How does the historical context of Roman Christians facing trials parallel with our current experiences?

2. The Severity of Trials:

· What are some examples of trials mentioned in the sermon that people might face in their lives?

· How do these trials affect individuals on a personal and emotional level?

3. Jesus' Preparation:

· What specific preparations did Jesus make leading up to His crucifixion according to Mark 14?

· How does Jesus' intentional planning demonstrate His sovereignty and control over the events of His passion?

4. Jesus' Foreknowledge:

· How does Jesus demonstrate foreknowledge and control over the events of His death in Mark 14?

· What significance does this foreknowledge hold for believers facing trials?

5. Understanding Jesus' Sacrifice:

· How does Jesus' willingness to suffer and die for us illustrate His love and commitment?

· In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice provide reassurance for believers facing trials?

6. The Final Sacrifice:

· How does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill the need for final atonement according to the sermon?

· What implications does this final sacrifice hold for our salvation and redemption?

7. Unity in Christ:

· What is the significance of sharing a communal cup during the Lord's Supper?

· How does this practice symbolize the unity of believers in Christ and our shared participation in His sacrifice?

8. Hope for the Future:

· What hope does Jesus offer believers regarding the future, as mentioned in Mark 14:25?

· How does this hope sustain believers during times of trial and adversity?

9. Personal Reflection:

· Reflecting on Jesus' sacrifice and sovereignty, how does this impact your perspective on trials and difficulties you may face?

· What steps can you take to deepen your trust in God's plan and provision during challenging times?


Trusting in Trials


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