God With Us

God with Us 

Matthew 1:18-25

  • Surrendering to the Savior: Like Joseph, are you currently willing to surrender everything – your wants, wishes, dreams, desires, plans, and pride – for Jesus, recognizing that He is not just an add-on but the very essence of your life? How can you practically surrender more aspects of your life to Jesus?

  • Authority of His Name: In what areas of your life are you acknowledging the authority of Jesus' name? Are there areas where you are struggling to submit to His authority, and how can you overcome those challenges?

  • Delegated Authority: How does the concept of God delegating authority through naming impact your understanding of Jesus as Lord? In what ways can you acknowledge and submit to Jesus' authority in your daily life?

  • Jesus' Deity: How often do you consciously reflect on the deity of Jesus Christ? How does understanding that Jesus fulfills the names of God in the Old Testament impact your perspective on His divine nature?

  • Immanuel, God With Us: How does the truth that Jesus is God with us change your approach to daily challenges, joys, and the overall journey of life? Are there specific situations where you can be more conscious of God's presence?

  • Transcendence and Immanence: How do you balance the understanding of God's transcendence with His immanence in your spiritual journey? In what ways do you need a God who is both beyond the stars and present in your daily life?

  • God in Your Service: Reflect on your service within the church or community. How does the assurance of God being with you in your service impact your attitude, motivation, and endurance in serving others?

  • God in Your Witness: As a follower of Jesus, how does the knowledge that Jesus is Immanuel empower and inspire your efforts in sharing the Gospel with others? In what ways can you rely on God's presence as you fulfill the Great Commission?

  • God in Your Trials: Consider a recent trial or challenge you faced. How did the awareness of God's presence affect your response and outlook during that time? How can you deepen your trust in God's presence during future trials?

  • Balancing Hurry and Stillness: Evaluate your current pace of life. In what areas can you intentionally slow down to create moments of stillness and reflection on God's presence? How might this practice benefit your spiritual well-being?

  • Focusing on Jesus: How can you practically "set your mind on things above" amidst the busyness of life? Are there specific habits or disciplines you can adopt to fix your mind on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith?

  • Distractions in Listening to God: Reflect on Elijah's experience with God's still small voice. What distractions in your life hinder you from hearing God's voice? How can you create a space for quiet listening and attentiveness to God's leading?

  • Prioritizing Eternal Perspective: Considering the hurried nature of our lives, how can you prioritize an eternal perspective in your thoughts and actions? What adjustments can you make to align more with Paul's encouragement to "set your mind on things above"?

  • God's Presence in Mundane Moments: In your daily routine, how can you become more aware of God's presence in the ordinary and mundane aspects of life? Are there specific practices or habits that can help you recognize God's nearness?

  • Practicing Presence Into the New Year: As the new year approaches, what resolutions or commitments can you make to continue practicing the awareness of God's presence in your life? How can you carry the truth of Immanuel into the coming year?


Christ's Roadmap for the Future


"Jesus Saves" (Matt. 1:18-25); "The Savior Is Born" Christmas Program