Homecoming Events
In 1957, a young preacher started inviting others to his home for church services. He named it after his neighborhood–Morningside.
This October, we celebrate God’s faithfulness to us with homecoming events for your whole family.
Friday, October 25
6:30 PM Christmas Music Workshop
Saturday, October 26
9:30 AM Christmas Music Workshop
4:00 PM Harvest Hoedown (Teens, $)
Sunday, October 27
10:00 AM Homecoming Service
ASL interpretation available
Nursery care and kids Bible time provided (available through Grade 5)
11:15 AM Combined Sunday School (Teens & Adults)
5:00 PM Fall Fest
Homecoming Speaker
Aaron & Stephanie Coffey (Ella, Asher, Liam, and Jobe)
Image: Coffey Ministries
Our guest speaker for Harvest Hoedown, our Homecoming worship service, and combined Sunday school is evangelist Aaron Coffey.
In the last several months, Aaron has changed many plans to help his wife Stephanie battle her severe health needs. To participate in our love offering, designate “Aaron Coffey Love Offering” at the offering boxes or our online giving form.
Edited Oct. 4 (schedule changes from Hurricane Helene) and Oct. 16 (love offering information)