Summer Series: Biblical Worldview
From life and eternity to matter and space…
What the Bible says affects how we think about everything in life.
Sunday evenings this summer we invite you to join us for a sermon series on that very truth.
Join us June 9 at 5 PM for the launch of Biblical Worldview: Thinking & Living. Our guest speaker is Dr. Renton Rathbun, Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Bob Jones University.
What in the World is a “Biblical” Worldview
June 9 - Recently, the words “biblical worldview” have become a household word. But few will admit we’ve been misunderstanding the meaning of those words. In this talk, we discuss a useful definition of “biblical worldview” and investigate how it affects our lives
Home Life and Biblical Worldview (6/30)
June 30 - Biblical worldview tends to be discussed only in terms of one’s thinking. However, if biblical worldview does not lead to holy living, we are in danger being whitewashed homes crumbling from the inside out. How do we make the connection from biblical thinking to biblical action in the home?
Understanding Gen. Z with a Biblical Worldview
July 7 - Many are dismayed by the coming generation of young people because they see within this generation a new tolerance for sin and a weakening of biblical standards. In this talk, we discover the root of the Gen. Z thought process that has groomed many in this generation into doubting God, redefining Christianity, and ultimately walking away from the faith. In knowing the root of this thinking, we are better prepared to mentor the next generation toward a biblical worldview.
Responding to Gender Ideology with a Biblical Worldview
July 21 - Today we are inundated with LGBTQ+ indoctrination via social media, entertainment, and personal friendships. Now there are movements, even within the church, that have accepted varying degrees of LGBTQ+ affirmation. We will discuss how families can take steps to address these issues biblically.
Image Credit: Bob Jones University
Renton Rathbun has been a college professor for over twenty-five years. His teaching experience has included both secular and Christian colleges and universities. He and his wife April have three children. Daniel is 23 and was married last year to Jill. They live in the Greenville area. Renton and April’s other two children are Olivia who is 9 years old and Jude who is 8. April is currently homeschooling them both. Renton holds a variety of degrees from English, speech, philosophy, and theology as well as a PhD in apologetics.
Invest this summer in your biblical worldview. Everything you do and every relationship you have stands to benefit.