Awana Kicks Off
We are excited to begin this year’s Awana Clubs on September 7. Children 3 years old through 5th grade are all invited to join us at 6:45 PM on Wednesday nights throughout the school year.
What is AWANA?
Awana is designed to help your child understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our caring, trained volunteers develop engaging relationships and teach Bible truths so that Christian discipleship can happen. Your kids will not only memorize truth from God’s Word but will also receive guidance in understanding it.
Games and special dress up nights create a fun environment and help kids earn team points, and missions focus happens twice a year too! Check out our Awana calendars at Morningside Kids for more details about special themes, memory verses and events.
Cubbies (K3-K4) features Bible memory, snacks, crafts, puppets and age-appropriate hands-on Bible learning in a setting that fosters love and respect for God. Cubbies resources will encourage and equip you to actively nurture your child. Our volunteers will work alongside you to guide children into truth.
Sparks (K5-Grade 2) learn and memorize God’s Word with an emphasis on developing caring relationships with their leaders. Bible biographies show children how others in Bible times interacted personally with God. Sparks learn that they can also know God personally through the gift of His Son, Jesus. Sparks also experience fun through songs, games and periodic crafts.
Truth & Training (Grades 3-5) kids begin with games, and our volunteers always have a Bible application for each one. Clubbers then transition to a Bible lesson, songs, and Bible memory in small group discussions led by caring adults who want to help them grow in their walk with the Lord.

If you would like to serve in Awana, sign up to volunteer at We will look forward to working with you.