Leading Sinners Home - Missions Conference 2020
We are excited and looking forward to our upcoming missions conference starting February 23rd. Our theme is “Leading Sinners Home.” Here in our community and around the world, Satan is blinding the lost to keep them from the glorious light of the Gospel (2 Cor. 4:4-6). But God shines his Gospel light through us so that we may share the Good News here in Greenville and continue to send missionaries to advance the Gospel and make disciples among the uttermost. Pray that God will stir all of our hearts to follow the disciples’ example and lead many sinners home to Jesus.
During the conference there will be an interactive exhibit in the mall area highlighting Hispanic peoples to inform and stir (children and adults) our hearts for reaching Hispanic neighbors and nations for Christ. We will also be receiving a special missions offering during the conference to be divided and help with the following four missionary projects mentioned below:
Paul Seger (Sun, Feb 23), General Director of Biblical Ministries Worldwide
Jim Tillotson (Sun, Mar 1), President of Faith Baptist Bible College
Pastor Smith (Wed, Feb 26), Open Door Baptist Missions Director - Pastor Smith will be sharing about a recent trip to Myanmar and opportunities to lead sinners home among unreached people groups.

Missions Offering Projects:
1) Grace Baptist Theological College & Seminary (En Khan Kham & Hung Kim, Myanmar) – About a year ago, missionary Hung Kim gave an update at Morningside and shared about their project to build a new college and seminary campus. They have made great progress within the last year but are lacking funds to complete the two primary buildings. https://www.baptistworldmission.org/project/gbtc-and-seminary-building-myanmar/
2) Suhento Liauw (Indonesia) – Pastor Smith and Kim Kuhr visited the Liauws last summer. Their ministry consists of an orphanage, Christian School, Bible College and churches established on two campuses in Jakarta and Borneo. They are praying and seeking to build a multi-purpose pavilion on their Borneo rural campus for sports, fellowship and ministry activities.
3) Crossroad Baptist (Ryan Horkavy) – We rejoice with the Horkavys and the Crossroad family for the completion of their new church building. There remains a need of about $22,000 for parking lot lights, video projector and other audio/visual equipment. https://www.crossroad-az.org
4) Hope for Reno (Stephen Wess & James Tilson) – We are excited about God’s leading of the Stephen Wess, James Tilson and Andy Gleiser families to plant a new church in Reno, Nevada. We are giving to help with startup costs and equipment for their church plant. https://hopeforreno.com