Women's Ministry 2020 Kickoff
Speaker: Beth Horton Barnard
Our women’s ministry looks forward to a night of song and worship with special guest Beth Barnard on Tuesday, January 14.
Beth Horton Barnard grew up in Tampa, FL., where she attended Hillsdale Baptist Church with her family. It was there her musical training began. In 1987 she entered Bob Jones University where she studied counseling, voice performance and education. After marrying Paul Barnard in 1998, they had a son, John Paul, in 2000. After living in Land O'Lakes, FL, Carlisle, PA and Sarasota, FL, they settled in Greenville in 2012. Beth has been a private voice, flute and piano teacher as well as a choir director on the high school and college levels. She also enjoys judging for music competitions and singing in churches across America. In 2017 she began teaching first grade at Bob Jones Academy.
Signup at bit.ly/WomensKickOff
Beth’s recording Joy Overflowing will be available for purchase ($10, cash or check accepted). Join us in 107.