Luncheon and Hymn Sing

Morningside seniors along with a few senior saints from Trinity and Cornerstone met together for a time of fellowship and singing in our newly renovated chapel. Doug Lowery led the music program, accompanied by Jeanette Miller.
A variety of special numbers were shared between a series of hymns that the attendees enjoyed singing throughout the program. Doug and Donna sang a special duet that he had written earlier in their evangelism ministry. Lance Flower shared a word of encouragement that introduced his inspirational piano specials. Steve Buckley and Jerry Gass sang a couple duets. Hillary Rumminger sang a solo number that complemented George Eastergard’s personal testimony. Don and Sharon Krueger shared a special a capella duet. The words to their “spiritual” number were authored by Don Orthner and put to music by Don Kruger. The event was well attended by over 75 participants and enjoyed by all.
Please check out upcoming activities that are listed on our Seniors Calendar of Events.