Worshiping at the Tabernacle

God’s levitical commands for atonement emphasize the gravity of people’s sin, as well as His graciousness to redeem their trespasses. Though our modern-day context seems so far removed from this sacrificial system, these guidelines from Scripture foreshadow the great, eternal sacrifice on which we place our hope: Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

Why did God enact so many requirements for worship and sacrifice? How does Jesus fit into each of these God-ordained regulations?

God created stipulations for His people’s sacrifices because He, as a holy God, cannot tolerate sin. There was a weightiness to all the high priest did throughout the year and on the Day of Atonement. God called the Israelite community to practice holiness in every area of their lives––from respecting their elders and upholding the Sabbath to fleeing idolatry, offering sacrifices, and caring for those in need. He revealed His character through these expectations of holiness; they were to be set apart and known in the world by how they conducted themselves, treated others, and demonstrated justice.

While God knew perfect obedience would be impossible for His people, He promised to bless them as they sought to live in obedience. What’s more, He swore to dwell among them! However, He also swore that their disobedience would bring consequences. He explained that His people did not have to walk on the path of destruction but were invited to walk the path of abundant life through a covenant relationship with Him. God offered them lives marked by repentance and remembrance of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He promised to never reject His people, destroy them, or break His promises.

We see the fulfillment of these promises through One who became God incarnate and lived in perfect obedience to God’s commands. While the priests offered sacrifices daily for themselves and others, Jesus provided an eternal sacrifice to settle the debts of God’s people for all time. His righteousness is counted to us when we place faith in Him. Lead the kids in your home to see God’s kindness in providing forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus. May you show them the true meaning of worship as you guide them to see God’s worthiness through today’s passage.

Christ Connection: God instructed the Israelites to sacrifice animals to demonstrate the forgiveness and removal of sin. God gave His one and only Son, Jesus, as the perfect and final sacrifice for sin. Anyone who trusts in Jesus is forgiven of their sins and made clean forever.


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