Moses Led the Israelites (Exodus 17-18) 

Exodus 17 and 18 reveal God’s faithfulness to help Moses in the difficulties of leadership. From the Amalekite battle to his daily struggle to teach and judge God’s people, Moses’ human limitations were evident as he came to the end of himself and depended on God to supply him with the support needed to fulfill his role as leader of the Israelites. 

How was Moses ill-equipped to take on the strains of these circumstances? How do we see our own need for Jesus in today’s text? 

Though Moses led with humble obedience, he could not independently fulfill all the requirements of his role. As Joshua led Israel in war, Moses was responsible for interceding on behalf of the Israelites. When the Israelites were battling the Amalekites, God allowed Aaron and Hur to assist Moses as his arms grew heavy, and God declared that He would blot out the memory of this foe under heaven. When God’s words rang true, Moses declared God to 8888be his victory, the One in whom he placed his trust. 

Later, Moses recounted to his father-in-law God’s faithful deliverance in every hardship since their departure from Egypt and went on to explain his responsibilities as leader. Jethro believed Moses’ role was too big for one man and wisely instructed Moses to select other like-minded men to serve alongside him. He explained that the delegation of these roles would help not only Moses, but the rest of God’s people too. God, in His grace, provided the right men to assist Moses in these responsibilities. In both times of need, God graciously provided for Moses. 

Teach the kids in your family that God helps us in our times of need, just as He did for Moses. Even more, God provides our greatest need: a Ruler like Moses to perfectly and completely instruct and judge His people––a role that could only be fulfilled through His perfect Son, Jesus. Moses’ leadership was a shadow of Christ’s greatness to come. Pray for the kids in your family to see the salvation Christ offers them today, our greatest help for our greatest trouble. 

Christ Connection: Moses was a great leader, but he was just a man. He was not able to meet all the needs of all the people by himself. Jesus is fully man and fully God. He is able to hear and respond to all of our prayers, and His death and resurrection provides salvation to everyone who trusts in Him. 


The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20, 31)


God Provided for His People (Exodus 15-17)